zpBootstrap is a « Responsive » theme for Zenphoto.
As mentioned in a old post, using a SmartPhone, I see the benefits of a photo gallery that fits the media.
After much searching on the net and a lot of tests on the various existing tools, I focused on Bootstrap, a framework that allowed me to build this new theme.
It automatically adapts to different screen widths ranging from smartphones to large screens, through the tablet screens.
Feel free to download and use it, and thanks in advance for your feedback!
- Updated on 12/26/2018:
the zpBootstrap 2.2 release is now avaliable for Zenphoto 1.5.1 (and more).
zpBootstrap is now hosted on GitHub .
You can report bugs on the Zenphoto forum or create an issue on GitHub, I will fix it as soon as possible (only the latest version is supported). You can also improve theme via Pull requests.
Please note that the Zenphoto team advise to regulary upgrade its site with the latest version of Zenphoto to benefit from the latest features of the application, to solve the various security holes, and to benefit from the support of the Zenphoto team.
Nathalie: on 04/22/2012
Vincent: on 04/22/2012
Il y a trop de boulot pour tout faire d'un seul coup.
lasiate: on 04/29/2012
pour ce faire, modifiez le code html de vos actualités et de vos pages [...]"
pourrais tu préciser dans quel fichier ? est ce dans image .php et dans ce cas à quel endroit du script?
Merci de ton aide
Vincent: on 04/29/2012
However, the theme does not manage the news and pages content (this is your own content).
So, I advise you to edit the html code of news and pages.
To do that, in the news and pages admin, there is a 'HTML' button that opens a pop-up and shows the HTML code of current news or page.
For each image you may have added, I recommend adding the code
class = "remove-attributes" as shown.
Then, the theme will make them flexible and will adapt them to the media.
Vincent: on 04/29/2012
Cependant, le thème ne gère pas le contenu des nouvelles et des pages (ce qui est de votre propre contenu).
Je vous conseille donc de modifier le code html des actualités et des pages personnelles.
Pour ce faire, dans l'administration des actualités et des pages, il y a un bouton 'HTML' qui ouvre un pop-up et qui permet d'éditer le code HTML de votre actualité ou de votre page.
Pour chaque image que vous avez ajouté, je vous recommande d'ajouter le code class="remove-attributes", comme indiqué.
Alors, le thème les rendra "fluides" et les adaptera aux médias de consultation.
Michael: on 06/13/2014
Is this version (zpBootstrapt 1.4.3) compatible at all with Zenphoto 1.4.6?
Thanks and I love your work!
Until (or if) I can get zpBootstrap working, I'll be using zpArdoise! :-)
Vincent: on 06/13/2014
Thanks for your feedback.
Notice that zpBoostrap 1.4.3 is not compatible with Zenphoto 1.4.6.
I try to upgrade zpBootstrap, but I don't have enough time to achive my work and I have other priorities for the moment.
Stay tuned!
Marco: on 07/21/2014
I would also be very interested in zpBootstrap for the newest Zenphoto. I have been using zp with your theme for the last year or two and it is really beautiful, thank you!
Jagg: on 08/06/2014
Olivier F.: on 08/20/2014
(les deprecated functions font des leurs !)
Michael: on 10/05/2014
Hi vincent,
another "me, too" post - I would love to have a "responsive" theme so that I can use the available area on the different end-devices as much as possible. Unfortunately, I set up zp new and of course used the latest- and-greatest version, which your theme is not yet compatible with.
By the way, your gallery is really woth a look - beautiful pictures and great ideas! Best regards Michael
Michael: on 02/05/2015
Eric: on 02/10/2015
Bonjour Vincent, Je vois avec plaisir que tu n'as pas complètement quitté le "navire Zenphoto".
zpArdoise et par la même occasion zpBootsrap sont-ils compatibles avec la version 1.4.7 de Zenphoto ? Merci d'avance et bonne continuation. Eric
Chris: on 03/20/2015
As I mentioned on your guestbook I want to thank you for this responsive theme which was exactly what I was looking for.
I sincerely appreciate your efforts. I did make a few tweaks but they were pretty much simple cosmetic changes rather than changes needed to your work. Thank you! Chris
Chris Kattner: on 11/09/2016
I like your theme very much but is there a way to allow viewing a full image? clicking on an image in a gallery does nothing unlike the default behavior of other theme where you can see the full size file.
Didier Chassignol: on 12/07/2016